Quanta Chronicles Book III: Emergent

When Science & the Sacred Collide. Emergent is the final installment in the critically acclaimed Quanta Chronicles series.

Camaeliphim: select celestrials that roam Earth and battle Bezaliels to prevent
multiverse chaos.

Dr. Samantha Ryan Blake is a Camaeliphim hybrid born on Earth, to a human mother
and celestial father. Remanded as a child into foster care, Sam was subjected to
controversial experiments behind the covert fences of a U.S. 'MILAB' buried under
a nuclear reactor testing facility. She advanced enough to earn high Ki clearances as
'silent secreter' and secure her otherworldly birthright as a Balancer.

Now, the Ebians have given her an impossible assignment: Throw Raga, the queen
of all Bezaliels, into the Source Vortex--the same creature who destroyed her family,
killed her colleagues and may have taken form in a daughter she's never met.
With a highly trained special ops team of humans, hybrids, and otherworldly beings,
Samantha must venture into dangerous crypto-terrestrial territory to stop a force so
menacing even the Ormian Council doubts it can be conquered.