By BA Crisp In the quiet countryside outside Monroeville, Ohio, lies Maple Dale Farm—a seemingly ordinary place. But it has a hidden side. As a foster child, I grappled with trauma here while simultaneously navigating unexplainable sightings and paranormal experiences. I invite you into this strange world, one of spiritual beings, floating spheres, white Bigfoot, […]
Tag: #redbird
Ohio’s Forgotten Tesla: Stanley Meyer, Free Energy, and Murder?
Ohioan Stanley A. Meyer is alleged to have invented a water fuel cell, a technical design of a “perpetual motion machine” whereby a car could run on water instead of gasoline. In fact, Meyer held a host of patents, having applied for about two-hundred thousand of them. But it was his water fuel cell that may […]
Weird Encounters of the Rare Kind:
An Unofficial and Unauthorized Explanation of ‘Unidentified Ariel Phenomena’ High above our skies and deep within the folds of our best imagination, hovers the UFO. Somewhere on this planet, strange objects appear in our airspace almost daily, witnessed by thousands of people. Hardly a human exists that hasn’t seen, heard, or wondered about UFO’s, and […]
Red Bird Spirit
Cultures throughout the globe use symbolism to help describe and understand spiritual truths, including the Red Bird. As a kid, I didn’t understand what my cardinal sightings meant and I didn’t have the intelligence to ponder signs or symbols. All I knew at the time was I was a ‘ward of the court’, a foster […]
Nikola Tesla’s Dark Matters
Nikola Tesla Inventor and ET Communicator by B.A. Crisp Ever wonder what Nikola Tesla was really doing? Turns out, he was creating death rays, time transporters, and invisibility cloaks. But what if Tesla’s true passion was free? Tesla was obsessed with free energy, provided by the cosmos, and likely harnessed its power. Could his truth […]