A Monarch’s Flight: Reflections on Life, Death, & the Essence of Spirit


B.A. Crisp

As we journey through life, we are reminded that change is the only constant. Time marches forward, seasons come and go, and the cycle of life continues unabated, regardless of our feelings or readiness. It is within this constant evolution of energy that we grapple with love, loss, and our search for meaning.

Lately, the unexpected loss of friends and colleagues has brought the concept of death to the forefront of my mind, prompting deep reflection on the nature of our existence.

Farewells and the Impact of Loss

Recently, I found myself bidding farewell to two individuals who had left an indelible mark on my life. One had the opportunity to prepare for their departure, penning a heartfelt letter to me that I cherish. The other was taken suddenly, leaving no opportunity for goodbye. As I stood with loved ones at the cemetery, a monarch butterfly flit and bobbed over our heads.

Contemplating the Afterlife

Do we simply cease to exist when our physical bodies expire, or do our souls transition to another realm? Some believe in the concept of reincarnation, suggesting that we return to Earth repeatedly in different forms to mend broken karma.

Others say we enter the Kingdom of Heaven or go straight to Hell depending upon how we behaved on Earth. Still, others claim that we rest in some sort of suspended slumber until the return of the Messiah and Resurrection.

While I remain uncertain about the specifics of what lies beyond our physical death, I find myself leaning towards the idea of an afterlife – a great abyss, not unlike the state before our birth.

Yet, I, like many others, have experienced contact from beyond. Whether this is unexplained scientific phenomena or a type of residual energy we don’t yet understand hasn’t been determined. But something…is there…beyond the veil. And every once in a while it reaches out to some of us.

Sunyata & the Buddhist Perspective

Some buddhists embrace the concept of Nothingness, referring to it as sunyata or the void. Rather than a negation of existence, sunyata represents the ultimate reality – a distinction between our perceptions and the true nature of things. It is a state of neither rising nor falling. It is an understanding of the essence of uniting with Source, however defined. Sunyata also refers to the interdependent nature of all things and that no thing exists without other things and events.

The Interconnectedness of all Things

Despite the many names and forms we attribute to God, I believe that we’re all connected to an intelligent, all-knowing, elevated force. This Source pulsates through and around us, binding us together in an intricate web of creativity and love. Additionally, as sentient beings, we rely upon our connections to one another, each interaction shaping our Earthly journey and purpose. This means, outside of the confines of our science and psyche, that time is merely a human construct we use to make sense of our world. Beyond Earth, the concept and measurement of time diminishes. If this is true, then the loved ones who precede us in death remain among us, somewhere…

The Duality of the Human Condition

Within our hearts and minds, we humans carry the capacity for love, compassion, hate, fear, destruction, or indifference. We mirror the cosmos’ ability to create, destroy, and rebuild.

As a microcosm of this grand cosmic adventure, we navigate the complexities of our emotions and experiences, bound by the whims of nature, personal perspectives, and the limitations of our physical forms.

Yet, we are also part of something much greater – a superconductive energy of infinite information, connection, and consciousness. We are part of a grand design within the ebb and flow of harmony, and so too, are the loved ones we think we’ve lost to death.

The Power of Human Connection and It’s Lasting Imprint

Consequently, every person we encounter leaves an imprint on our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and the frequency (high or low), at which we vibrate. Moreover, these connections have the power to shape our destiny. They guide us toward fulfillment and purpose. And it is only through self-awareness and the cultivation of Love that we begin to understand the true significance of these interactions and our interconnectivity—that we possess the supernatural ability within ourselves to reach the pinnacle of wisdom and enlightenment–and that death is but a transition. The legacy and essence of another human remains among the living, in spite of death.

The Legacy We Leave Behind & Finding Beauty in Sorrow

As I stood among the living in a cemetery, the day seemed perfect. Spanish moss swayed gently in the breeze, birds soared overhead, and a Monarch butterfly danced among the mourners. Amid sorrow, nature’s beauty served as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the resilience of the human spirit.

Listening to a daughter’s heartfelt tribute to her father, I realized that we all leave a legacy, often touching lives in ways we may never fully comprehend. Our interactions, both big and small, have the power to inspire, comfort, and transform those around us. It is the best parts of ourselves – our dreams, hopes, and capacity for love and forgiveness – that live on through the people whose lives we have touched.

The Monarch’s Lesson

When I returned home I thought about the Monarch butterfly at the cemetery. It’s timing seemed perfect.

In some traditions, Monarch butterflies symbolize spiritual evolution and cosmic connection. With each generation, they adapt and evolve, becoming stronger and more resilient for their long journey. Despite the many obstacles they face, Monarchs persevere with grace and beauty, carrying forward the essence of their migratory spirit.

Like the Monarch, we too are on a journey of growth and transformation. Death, while painful and humbling, serves as a powerful reminder of the preciousness of life and the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones.

As we navigate the ups and downs of our own kaleidoscope, may we find solace in the knowledge that our essence, the very best of who we are, will continue to flutter and migrate on this planet, leaving a trail of love and light in its wake.

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