Tag: short stories

The Chosen Child of the Marcahuasi Plateau

“Dr. Olivia, come quick!” Andre yells into the subterranean chamber. Dr. Olivia Seaton studies a recent find of carvings—beasts never known to have lived in this high region of Peru called the Marcahuasi plateau, an intriguing and mysterious land—odd  and eerie at times—especially when tumescent clouds tumble in to cover the village a few kilometers […]

The Guru & The Student

The Master lifts the hem of his orange robes and feels the soft grass beneath his feet as he makes his way toward Eido, who stands ankle deep in the river waving at him —smiling brightly enough to please the sun. “Master. Look at these black rocks so perfectly polished by the water,” Eido says […]


     A golden orange sun melts behind the plains of Africa as we sit before a fire Nimbu has prepared. Cinnamon, cloves and coriander simmer our lamb sacrifice into tender acquiescence, softly bubbling in a worn black cauldron, like an offering placed before heaven’s dusky cluster of stars.      Tomorrow we reach the Wadi Sora […]

Daisy & the “Regulars”

     Daisy loves the coffee shop. She walks a few steps, wobbling on summer heels as she balances a steamy, teeny porcelain cup of overpriced espresso, even though she prefers cheap black coffee from her favorite chipped mug at home.        When the “Regulars” go to “their” table to discuss important things like trendy […]

Eido & The Master

The  Master & The Student By B.A. Crisp The Master lifts the hem of his orange robes as plush green grass cushions his aching feet. Ah, so soft, he thinks. He makes his way toward Eido, who stands ankle deep in the river, smiling brightly enough to please the sun. Oh, how the Master wished he […]